The Load-In Speech

Moving into the performance space can be exciting, but dangerous. New performance patterns, new scenery (sometimes unfinished), transitioning to a fully technically realized show. . . there are a lot of things to talk about. Stage managers need to be able to have speech spunk at the called upon times when they need to make a speech. Think flight attendant seat belt speeches. First rehearsals, understudy curtain speeches, and of course loading into the theatre, stage managers have to be able to speak confidently, concisely and, well, charismatically. No one wants a canned load-in speech. Stage managers need to be able to talk about seemingly mundane things like how valuables will be collected before the show in a way that will be effective. The load-in speech assignment give student stage managers an opportunity to write a comprehensive speech that they will practice delivering to their peers for feedback.


Creating a Rehearsal Scene Breakdown